Forum Rules

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Forum Rules

  1. Do not advertise on the forum via DMs and threads. This will get you perma banned from the forum.
  2. Don't spam your appeals 24/7 and don't spam in general. Doing this can temp ban you off the forum.
  3. Don't post inappropriate content anywhere on the forum (keep the forum to safe to work environment).
  4. Be Respectful: Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, hate speech, slurs, or any other derogatory, toxic, or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
  5. Use Only English: The primary language of the server is English, please keep all discussions in English.
  6. Impersonation: Do not try to appear as someone else.
  7. Bypassing: Do not try to find a way around these rules.